What is your favourite summer passtime?

Monday, March 5, 2012

We're taking part in Blogging Challenge Project!

Daniil, now we and hundreds of other students and teachers are taking part in Blogging Challenge Project!
That means you can communicate with students from other countries by posting in your blog and writing commentaries in their blogs.
Have a look at what other students write in their blogs. You can make some friends.

To start with, you have to write about your interests.

How long have you been learning English?
What other languages do you want to learn?
What are your hobbies/interests?
What is your favourite pastime?
What kind of sport do you like?
Do you want to go to the camp in summer?
Do you prefer cooking fast food or cooking meals yourself?

1 comment:

  1. "Hello. My name is Dinah and I’ll be your mentor for this student blogging challenge. First, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I enjoy learning about educational technology. If I could spend a day at the computer exploring Web 2.0 tools or at a mobile device exploring apps I’d consider it a mini vacation.
    I used to teach Kindergarten. Currently, I work with college students who are studying to become teachers. I love my job! It allows me to share my technology knowledge with future teachers. In just a few weeks I’ll be showing them how to use the SMART board. I also lead discussions on how teachers can use Voki, Evernote and QR codes.
    In my spare time I am a member of CERT. That stands for Community Emergency Response Team. I’m not overly fond of the sight of blood, so I help out with traffic control. You can find out more about what I do at http://www.citizencorps.gov/cert/.
    It's very nice to meet you.
    P.S. I'd like to answer some of your questions.
    What other languages do you want to learn? I know a little German and Spanish.
    What are your hobbies/interests? I like knitting and I enjoy reading books.
    What is your favourite pastime? I like using the computer, my iPhone or the iPad.
    What kind of sport do you like? I don't play sports, but I like to watch football. I enjoy going to baseball games.
    Do you prefer fast food or cooking meals yourself? I prefer cooking meals at home. Going out to eat is a treat that my family does once a month.
