What is your favourite summer passtime?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Hyde Park is situated in Park Lane Street.
Buckingham Palace is situated in Grosvenor Street.

Near Hyde Park
is underground station "Knightsbridge".
Buckingham Palace is famous for the Queen. She lives in
Buckingham Palace. Tourists can visit Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace is near Hyde Park.

Monday, December 13, 2010

A tour of London!

Daniil, let's make a tour of London first. You will get learn more about the city if you read this map. Have a look, it's interactive and most popular sights are on it.

The map of the city centre.

Where is Hyde Park? What streets are near it ? Is there an underground station near Hyde Park?
What is Buckingham Palace famous for?
Is Buckingham Palace far from Westminster Cathedral?
Can you find the London Eye on the map?
What bridges are over the Thames?